
Anne-Sophie Soudoplatoff

Photographer / Director

Photographer / Director

Anne-Sophie Soudoplatoff


Anne-Sophie Soudoplatoff is a French photographer who explores a universe between reality and fiction through short stories and visual poems. She is inspired by the nocturnal and atmospheric aesthetics of filmmakers, painters, and photographers. Her work revolves around movement and color, which are the pillars of her art.

Anne-Sophie observes and transcribes visual and sensory experiences from her daily life and travels. Drawn to ephemeral lights and radical atmospheres, she focuses on details, seeking pure and textured compositions. Playing with varied color palettes, she immerses her subjects in contrasting universes and uses the juxtaposition of images to evoke powerful and narrative emotions, exploring fields ranging from landscapes to fashion, as well as her commissioned works.

Her art, showcased in renowned exhibitions such as at Galerie Madé and the International Photography Festival Incadaquès, has been acclaimed by The Agents Club network in 2023 and received various previous awards, including the Young Talent Award from Agents Associés in 2018. She also collaborates with brands such as Adidas and Veja, as well as influential magazines like Victory Journal.


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